How many properties do you manage?
We manage 64 properties.
How much are monthly management fees?
We charge 10% of the monthly rent as a management fee. If the monthly rent is prorated, our fees will be prorated.
One the first full month of each new tenancy, owners will pay 20%. This additional 10% is paid to the agent that secures tenant. Once we enter the listing into MLS, any agent can show it and bring a tenant. 
How do you advertise rentals?
Once the listing is entered into our MLS system, it automatically pushes out to all the ibuyer apps. Rentals will be on Trulia, Zillow,,, etc. We also advertise our listings on various social media.
Will I be charged if the property is vacant?
No, you will only be charged a management fee when property is occupied.
Who pays for utilities while the property is vacant?
Upon each tenant move out, we will turn electric and water on in our name for showings. Owners are responsible for all utility bills paid while property is vacant, as well as lawn care.
How are repairs handled?
When a tenant requests a repair, we will send out maintenance to assess issue. If the repair is something minor, under $250.00, we will take care of it and withhold from the following month’s payment to you. If it is a major repair that will cost more than $250, we will call you to discuss options. 
Will I receive a copy of bills for work done?
Yes, we will always send you a copy of the invoices for all repairs, for your records.